Friday, November 3, 2017

Episode #108: The Discipline of Celebrating Wins

Now that you are making strides in your business, take a look at moment when something is working. I wonder what you could choose to celebrate today?

Celebrating small wins is a discipline, just like happiness is a discipline, or calling people to share your business is a discipline!

I was deep in production on a new book, and I almost forgot to experience that moment of joy when it went to "bed," or got to print.

And I was in a coaching session with someone who had done everything she could imagine towards her intention, and it had not quite happened yet.

We both tuned into the place where magic is working, and doesn't always show up yet. Are you working your magic, working your business, and not quite seeing all the results you seek yet?

My challenge to you today is to stop and write down everything you are grateful for, and silently do a happy dance that you've gotten this far. 

That energy of celebration is so encouraging & contagious!!! That's the energy others would like to join and that's the energy that your business enjoys so it can grow.

In one of my own books I wrote "Be of calm joy."

So take the time, and discipline yourself to celebrate small victories on your road to expanding your business & your life.

If you're open to choosing a new opportunity, join me in mine. My business gives me cause for celebration every day!

JOIN ME, the business is soooo much fun and I am joyful to have celebrations every day!

Today's blog was brought to you by Let's Multiply and my team:

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Episode #107 Road to Financial Freedom, Choose Different

I could easily take one Ray Higdon wisdom each day and let it change my life. Today his message in my inbox was "go with people who are open and let them run with your opportunity."

Are you spending too much time chasing people to invite them to your opportunity, seeking to convince people who are not into the opportunity ~ when you could be working with people who are ready to take the ball and run with it?

Is it like like you're over on the sidelines, looking for benched players, wondering if they'll play again?

Do you do that too! I know! Maybe you could try something different. See if you can work with the people who show a sprinkle of light in their eyes. People who desire to make a radical change in their lives.

Lately I've been coaching a fabulous coach, and she said "I'm tired of people who just desire to change something with five percent of their being, then they give up."

How true is that!

Choose to invite people ready to change, willing to change, who will put the energy into change. See if you can connect with people who are moving, shaking, changing the planet just by being themselves.

And then give them wings so they can fly and experience all the financial freedom available on the planet, with so much more ease than you possibly thought.

One way to get there is here, and join my team:

Lots of ways will take you there. Begin to look for inspiration where you can find it. Today's message was inspired by Ray Higdon, you can catch up with him on his Facebook page. Here is one of his videos to share with you, it's called "What Steps Would I Do If I had to Start All Over," and his Facebook page (free) is chock full of his wisdom.

And take one step today towards your financial freedom. That sense when you wake up that you have what you need and what you desire, and nothing can stop you. Yes, that!

Here's my link again, you can join Kim Alley & me today if you'd like!!

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Episode #106 Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone & Changing Your Reality

As I sat in near breakdown in my bedroom, I reached out to all that is and I asked for help. It really needed to change. Everything needed to change. The lifestyle I had chosen had some bright places, but the darkness was overwhelming.

I began to ask questions. What could I change? What could I do different? I got present to the requirement that I change.

And I knew in that moment that there were going to be some rocks and the comfort zone was history.

First, the small voice said, stop drinking alcohol.

Next, each day do new things in your business you've never done before. Reach out to people you have not reached out to, before. Be more, be bigger, shine brighter, and let your brightness help others, more.

It was insanely uncomfortable because I definitely did not think I would have gotten to this age with so "little to show for it." In the physical realms. So, just putting one foot front and asking for more, and choosing different was the over-arching theme that showed up for me!

I also got clear on my priorities. I realized I had put everyone except me and my family first. I adjusted how I looked at my life, in that moment of bleakness. I knew that my home and family life was going to change, and then my business could change in sync with the greater awareness & new choices.

What could you choose different today?
What vice could you drop?
What place could you go you have not been willing to go? 
Is there a message you've been given to share you have neglected to share?

Yes. Be that bigger amazing you today!!! Step up into you today. Go someplace new today.

Change is the only constant.

Today's blog was sponsored by We Work, The Erica Glessing Show, and The Easiest Home Business for Any Age!

Book an inspiring private or shared workspace & escape the 9 - 5 Grind!
Beautiful Workspaces · Exclusive Discounts · Utilities Included · Private Phone Booths · Lunch & Learns America's Most Successful Co-Office Space – Go here for more: We Work

And the easiest home business ever: Start TODAY with this New Easy Business ~ Join Erica's team!

Take a minute to watch my video, and join my team!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Episode #105 Entrepreneurial Secrets from the Deep South

Kim Alley

In this delightful adventure to the deep south you can meet Kim Alley, an entrepreneur who enjoys what he does and teaches it well! Join Kim as he chats about his new business with wheat in Egypt, and his home-based business so easy that anyone can create a future with it! (He's camera shy so his pup Tucker posed for his pic). Find out more about the business he's into right now:

Thank you Sponsors!
And the easiest home business ever:

Start New Easy Business

Monday, October 30, 2017

Episode #104 Rock Bottom to Rock Star

This story inspired me some years back when I was living in a bad relationship and couldn't seem to change anything! I would lay in bed wondering how I could get out. Ryan Blair's story changed my life, just because he took the time to tell it, and I took the time to understand how change is possible even when it seems like you are in rock bottom.

It starts with a change.

A question. How can I change this? What is required of me to change what my life looks like?

Then as you keep asking questions, you keep tuning into the change that is required.

If you are seeking change, change is possible. Ask some more questions, and keep asking until you have some clarity on your desires. And in the seed of your desires, lies the possibility to change everything. Do not lose faith. Do not give up. 

It does get dark before the dawn, and that does not mean that dawn won't come. On the opening pages of this book "Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain," Ryan graphically shares how he was living in a rat-infested lice-infested space at his sister's drug dealer boyfriends house because his dad was hurting his mom, and he couldn't stay there. She got out. She pulled Ryan out of the dredges and they moved into a tiny new place ~ only to be robbed the next day! Rock bottom. Luckily, everything changed. His mom went to work. Ryan found a career at first in computers, and later building a huge Multi Level Marketing company that would make him billions. 

For me, the story gave me the courage I needed to leave the home of my ex-husband and get my kids to safety. I am forever grateful, and I will never forget. Rock bottom. I'm not a rock star yet but I'm better now than I was five years ago. I can't believe it was only five years ago! What change could you make today to change the trajectory of your life, in every way? 

Thank you for reading the blog today! I'm grateful you took the time to stop by!

Today's blog was sponsored by We Work and The Easiest Home Business for Any Age!

Book an inspiring private or shared workspace & escape the 9 - 5 Grind!
Beautiful Workspaces · Exclusive Discounts · Utilities Included · Private Phone Booths · Lunch & Learns America's Most Successful Co-Office Space – Go here for more: We Work

And the easiest home business ever: Start TODAY with this New Easy Business

Bonus, watch my video then join my biz

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Episode #103 How do You Talk to Your Easy Home Business?

I wonder how you speak to your easy home based business? I wonder if you give it space to breathe, room to grow, lots of nourishing adventures, or do you call it things like "side job" or "not very important" or "my fifth child," as though and as if something were not great about it?

What if your business was sensitive to how you characterize it? What if you could grow it more powerfully with different language?

Today I'm curious about growing my business. I had an interview with a woman who had grown 27 businesses into success, and I reflected on how I've only grown two businesses to success!!! So I was curious, what made that possible? She had a lot of alpha confidence.

See an easy business basically requiring only sharing to work here!

Then, I was listening to Ray Higdon, an extraordinary coach & trainer, and he shared this sense of alpha that you need to come in with to grow your business with ease. Now, you might not be alpha yet! But what if it were about something you are absolutely certain about. What if you were talking about baking bread, and you are a bread fan and have a gift at getting bread to cook perfectly? 

Or for me, I have a book publishing business that is third generation and thriving.

So, what if you could take that sense of you, and knowing your knowing, and bring that forth into your new business venture?

Now look at how you speak about it. I chose that cute photo of the kitten looking at the lion in the mirror. Most people look in the mirror of their business and say "It doesn't perform enough" or "It isn't robust enough." So, that will get what you ask for. What you focus on expands.

Let's hold the space for our new business adventures to be strong, flexible, robust, mobile, can be created from anywhere, can operate without us, can operate from many countries, and can contribute to our lives and the lives of those who choose to join us.

Nope, I don't ask for much!!! 

Here's to creation of your business with ease, purpose, and that energy of knowing what you do know.

Today's blog was sponsored by We Work and The Easiest Home Business for Any Age!

Book an inspiring private or shared workspace & escape the 9 - 5 Grind!
Beautiful Workspaces · Exclusive Discounts · Utilities Included · Private Phone Booths · Lunch & Learns America's Most Successful Co-Office Space – Go here for more: We Work

And the easiest home business ever: Start TODAY with this New Easy Business, here's a video for more detail!

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Episode #102: How to Talk to Your Easy Home Based Business

You don't hear a lot about "talking to your business" from the mainstream crowd! After coaching maybe 750+ women entrepreneurs, I find one thing to be true over and over again. We tend to keep our businesses in our body, mostly in our solar plexus or gut area.

If you just check "business, are you inside my body?" and if you get any kind of sense of where you might be holding the energy or tension from your business inside your body, it might be time to let go of that!

Ask the business to be in front of you about a foot to 18 inches, and (I get not everyone will be getting this!) and say hello to it.

Just take a moment to say hello, without judging it for being too fast, too slow, earning too much, being too easy, being too much, showing up too big, not showing up enough ~ all the crazy things entrepreneurs think about businesses with the critical mind.

And now ask it for some inspiration. How can your business serve you? How can you add to it? What kind of promotion would it like today? Is there anyone whom it might help today?

When you ask these questions, you might be surprised what it says. Like, it might say "go get a pedicure," and then when you do, you meet a fabulous possible collaborator right next to you at the salon.

It really is that easy. See if you can start having a fun conversation with your business today!

Here's my easy business, join me here!

Thank you 
to the Easiest Home Business for Any Age Blog Sponsors

We Work (creative working spaces for the entrepreneur or mobile business professional)

Happy Publishing & this book:

Plus, one of the easiest home business you can join today:

Episode #108: The Discipline of Celebrating Wins

Now that you are making strides in your business, take a look at moment when something is working. I wonder what you could choose to celebra...